One of the perks of what we do is that we get to try out all kinds of new incenses. Sometimes it’s not much of a thrill, but now and again, something comes up that wows us. Hari Darshan Copal + Sandalo Incense is one of those items that we checked out and went gaga over. Its depth, richness, and complexity is that of incenses that can easily cost three times as much. It has the qualities of some of the higher end resin based stick incenses and more. It’s not just dry resin and sandalwood. It has amber elements that sweeten the deal and really permit this incense to feature piney, clean copal and cooling, meditative sandalwood. The sweeter element provides a perfect backdrop for the resinous notes and sandalwood. We have a few others in the Hari Darshan line and we’ll eventually have them all. They’re that good.
Hari Darshan Copal + Sandalo